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Chart Explanation

What's going on here?
Secondary Distributions

This chart shows how much power different distributions of secondary stats provide.

It uses the "tier appropriate" SimulationCraft profile. If the fight style is neither patchwerk nor castingpatchwerk a "tier appropriate" fallback profile is used to improve the data quality. In a custom chart if the creator provided a profile, it replaces the formerly mentioned profiles.

At first the available sum of secondary ratings is extracted from the profile. Then the secondary ratings are redistributed. The lowest portion of secondary ratings per stat are 10%. Because we're dealing with 4 different stats this means the highest concentration on a single stat can be 70% of the sum. The sum and parts of it are always ratings, like the values on the items themselves.

Example: 2000 secondaries are available. One of the distributions uses 20% of the ratings for crit, 30% for haste, 40% for mastery, and the remaining 10% for versatility. This means 400 crit rating, 600 haste rating, 800 mastery rating, and 200 versatility rating will be set in this profile.

# SimulatonCraft example override

Setting ratings as described above does not affect stat procs. E.g. trinkets.