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Fight style castingpatchwerk5
Iterations 60000
SimulationCraft Hash c2d5153
Target Error 0.1
Base profile TWW1
devastation evoker | castingpatchwerk5 | UTC 2025-02-26 04:48:18.919014
SimulationCraft hash: #c2d5153
0total damage per second (character)8,196,079


Chart Explanation

What's going on here?
Talent Target Scaling

This chart shows how much power each talent path gains against different enemy counts.

It uses the "tier appropriate" SimulationCraft profile. If the fight style is neither patchwerk nor castingpatchwerk a "tier appropriate" fallback profile is used to improve the data quality. In a custom chart if the creator provided a profile, it replaces the formerly mentioned profiles.

Each talent path is simulated against several different enemy counts.

Please submit talent paths to these files in the bloodytools repository to enhance this view.