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  • Please note, that specs that support Power Infusion in their APL do so without regarding the Priests own needs.
  • Data is generated with Bloodlust.
  • Power Infusion is available for use in simulation on pull.
  • Power Infusion becomes available on CD (2 minutes) afterwards.

Chart Explanation

What's going on here?
Power Infusion

This chart shows how much power each spec gains from getting access to one Power Infusion cast by a Priest in their group.

ATTENTION: APL support for Power Infusion is not wide spread. Please submit improvements to the Action Priority List (APL) in SimulationCraft.

It uses the "tier appropriate" SimulationCraft profile.

# SimulatonCraft example override
## External Power Infusion

## No external Power Infusion

## Example APL line

See the SimulationCraft Wiki for more information on how to set up your spec support.

When to use
Spec Explanation Last explanation update
Blood Death Knight Use Power Infusion while Dancing Rune Weapon is up, or on cooldown if Dancing Rune Weapon is not talented 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Frost Death Knight High Priority Actions Use Power Infusion while Pillar of Frost is up, as well as Breath of Sindragosa or on cooldown if Pillar of Frost and Breath of Sindragosa are not talented 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Unholy Death Knight Use Power Infusion while Gargoyle is up, as well as Apocalypse or with Dark Transformation if Apocalypse or Gargoyle are not talented 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Havoc Demon Hunter APL support exists but an explanation text is missing. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Vengeance Demon Hunter APL support exists but an explanation text is missing. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Balance Druid APL support exists but an explanation text is missing. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Feral Druid Sending Power Infusion on cooldown is optimal as it often lines up with berserk especially since Feral Druids will often treat Berserk as a 2 minute cooldown now. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Guardian Druid No APL support. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Devastation Evoker Invoke External Power Infusions if they're available during dragonrage 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Beast_Mastery Hunter APL support exists but an explanation text is missing. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Marksmanship Hunter Call for Power Infusion when Trueshot is up. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Survival Hunter APL support exists but an explanation text is missing. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Arcane Mage PI/Summer after Radiant Spark when cooldowns are coming up, Autumn after Touch of the Magi cd starts 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Fire Mage APL support exists but an explanation text is missing. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Frost Mage APL support exists but an explanation text is missing. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Brewmaster Monk Use Power Infusion when Weapons of Order reaches 4 stacks. Use Power Infusion when Weapons of Order reaches 4 stacks. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Windwalker Monk Use Power Infusion while Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger is active. Use Power Infusion while Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger is active. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Protection Paladin APL support exists but an explanation text is missing. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Retribution Paladin APL support exists but an explanation text is missing. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Shadow Priest Use Power Infusion while Voidform or Dark Ascension is active. Chain directly after your own Power Infusion. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Assassination Rogue Invoke Externals to Deathmark 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Outlaw Rogue No APL support. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Subtlety Rogue No APL support. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Elemental Shaman If you've selected Ascendance sync Power Infusion with it. Otherwise use Power Infusion on Cooldown. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Enhancement Shaman APL support exists but an explanation text is missing. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Affliction Warlock Uses Power Infusion together with Cooldown windows like Summon Darkglare, Soul Rot, Phantom Singularity or Vile Taint 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Demonology Warlock APL support exists but an explanation text is missing. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Destruction Warlock APL support exists but an explanation text is missing. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Arms Warrior No APL support. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Fury Warrior No APL support. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2
Protection Warrior No APL support. 2023-11-13 #a5c914b2

The above information was extracted from SimulationCraft APL comments. Add a comment to the external cooldown Power Infusion line to enable your explanation to appear here.